William Steven Jamison Curriculum Vitae Department of Philosophy, University of Alaska Anchorage, 3211 Providence Drive, Anchorage, Alaska 99508 Office: Administration and Humanities Building Room 277 (907) 786-4458 e-mail: wsjamison@alaska.edu Homepage: http://wsjamison.uaa.alaska.edu Teaching at the University of Alaska Anchorage:
Spring 95: History of Philosophy I, and History of Philosophy II Fall 95: Introduction to Logic (two sections), Introduction to Philosophy (three sections), and Department member on Computer Committee. Spring 96: Introduction to Logic (two sections), Introduction to Philosophy (one section), Ethics (one section), and Computer Committee. Community Service: Russian translator for Eagle River Arctic Winter Games, judge for Anchorage School District's Olympiada (Anchorage High School Russian competition), judge for Math and Science Fairs. Summer 96: Introduction to Philosophy Fall 96: Introduction to Logic (two sections), Introduction to Philosophy, Ethics, Computer Committee, Faculty Advisor to Philosophy Club, Mentor for Minority Students. Spring 97: Introduction to Philosophy, History of Philosophy II, Ethics (two sections), Computer Committee, Faculty Advisor to Philosophy Club, Mentor for Minority Students. Community Service: judge for Anchorage School District's Olympiada, judge for Math and Science Fairs. Summer 97: Introduction to Philosophy (two sections), Introduction to Logic. Fall 97: Introduction to Philosophy (two sections), Ethics (TV course for Distance Education). Community Service: Assistant Director/ Fund Raising Coordinator, Alaska Natural History Museum. Spring 98: Introduction to Philosophy and History of Philosophy II. Summer 98: Introduction to Philosophy, Ethics, and Introduction to Logic. Fall 98: Introduction to Philosophy, Ethics (TV course for Distance Education), and History of Philosophy I. Spring 99: Introduction to Philosophy and History of Philosophy I. Summer 99: Introduction to Philosophy (two sections), Ethics (TV
course for Distance Education), and Introduction to Logic. Fall 99: Introduction to Philosophy, (two sections), and Introduction to Logic, Ethics (TV) for several students, and preparation of Introduction to Philosophy course (TV/Internet) to be first delivered Spring 00. Spring 00: Introduction to Logic, and Introduction to Philosophy (TV course for the Center for Distributed Learning) Summer 00: Introduction to Logic, and Introduction to Philosophy both at Eagle River and the TV course for the Center for Distributed Learning Fall 00: Introduction to Philosophy, (two sections), Introduction to Logic, History of Philosophy II, and Ethics Spring 01: Introduction to Logic, and Introduction to Philosophy (four sections including the TV course for the Center for Distributed Learning) Summer 01: Introduction to Logic, and Introduction to Philosophy both at Eagle River and the TV course for the Center for Distributed Learning, and Ethics Fall 01: Introduction to Philosophy both at Eagle River and the TV course for the Center for Distributed Learning, and Introduction to Logic Also during Fall 2001: Introduction to Sociology at Alaska Pacific University for the Early Honors Program Spring 02: Introduction to Logic (Web course), and Introduction to Philosophy (TV) Summer 02: Introduction to Logic (two sections), and Introduction to Philosophy (TV) and at Eagle River Fall 02: Introduction to Philosophy TV course and Introduction to Logic in Eagle River and the Web course Spring 03: Introduction to Logic (Web course), and Introduction to Philosophy (TV) Summer 03: Introduction to Logic (Web course), and Introduction to Philosophy (TV) and at Eagle River Fall 03: Introduction to Philosophy two sections, TV course and on campus course, Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, and two sections of Introduction to Logic on campus and in Eagle River Spring 04: Introduction to Philosophy TV course, Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, and two sections of Introduction to Logic on campus and web course Summer 04: Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, Introduction to Philosophy (TV) and at Eagle River Fall 04: Introduction to Philosophy TV course, Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, and three sections of Introduction to Logic on campus and in Eagle River Spring 05: Introduction to Philosophy Web course and one section on campus, Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, and two sections of Introduction to Logic Summer 05: Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, Introduction to Philosophy (Web) and at Eagle River and Introduction to Philosophy Fall 05: Introduction to Philosophy Web course and one section on campus, Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, and two sections of Introduction to Logic Spring 06: Introduction to Philosophy Web course, Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, and two sections of Introduction to Logic Summer 06: Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, Introduction to Philosophy (Web) and two sections one at Eagle River and one on main campus Fall 06: Introduction to Logic, Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, Introduction to the Humanities I, Introduction to the Humanities II, and Introduction to Logic in Eagle River Spring 07: Introduction to Philosophy (Web), Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, Introduction to the Humanities I, Introduction to the Humanities II, and Introduction to Philosophy in Eagle River Summer 07: Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, Introduction to Philosophy (Web) and one section on main campus Fall 07: Introduction to Logic (Web), Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, Introduction to the Humanities II Spring 08: Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, Introduction to the Humanities II, Freshman Honors Tutorial, and Introduction to Logic (Web), 49th State Fellows weekly meetings Summer 08: Political Science with the Polaris Class on the east coast, Introduction to Philosophy (Web), and two sections one at Eagle River and one on main campus, Rustication in Cordova with the new 49th State Fellows Fall 08: Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, Introduction to the Humanities II, and Introduction to Philosophy Spring 09: Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, Introduction to the Humanities II, and Introduction to Philosophy (Web), 49th State Fellows weekly meetings, Rural Faculty Visit to the village of Nondalton during the week of Spring Break and participation in AEIN sponsored events Summer 09: Introduction to Philosophy (Web) and a section at Eagle River campus, Rustication in Denali Park with the new 49th State Fellows Fall 09: Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, Introduction to the Humanities II, and Introduction to Logic, 49th State Fellows weekly meetings, several presentations on philosophy at West High School Spring 10: Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, Introduction to the Humanities II, and Introduction to Philosophy, 49th State Fellows weekly meetings, Rural Faculty Visit to the village of Akiachak during the week of Spring Break and participation in AEIN sponsored events Summer 10: Introduction to Logic, Introduction to Philosophy (Web) and a section at Eagle River campus Fall 10: Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, Introduction to the Humanities II, and History of Philosophy I, 49th State Fellows weekly meetings Spring 11: Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, Introduction to the Humanities II, and Introduction to Philosophy, 49th State Fellows weekly meetings, philosophy club meetings Summer 11: Introduction to Logic, Introduction to Philosophy (Web) and a section for the Eagle River campus Fall 11: Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, Introduction to the Humanities II, Introduction to Logic, and History of Philosophy I, 49th State Fellows weekly meetings, philosophy club faculty advisor, mentor for Anchorage School District Gifted Mentorship Program Spring 12: Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, Introduction to the Humanities II, and two sections of Introduction to Philosophy, 49th State Fellows weekly meetings, philosophy club faculty advisor, mentor for Anchorage School District Gifted Mentorship Program Summer 12: Introduction to Logic, Introduction to Philosophy (Web) and a section for the Eagle River campus Fall 12: Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, Introduction to the Humanities II, Introduction to Philosophy (two sections), Philosophy Club and Newman Club faculty advisor Spring 13: Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, Introduction to the Humanities II, and two sections of Introduction to Philosophy, Philosophy Club and Newman Club faculty advisor Summer 13: Introduction to Logic, Introduction to Philosophy (Web) and a web section for the Eagle River campus, faculty advisor for the Students for Life Club Fall 13: Introduction to the Humanities I, History of Philosophy I, Introduction to Philosophy, Introduction to Logic, Students for Life Club faculty advisor, participant in Making Learning Visible CAFE program Spring 14: Introduction to the Humanities II, Introduction to Philosophy, History of Philosophy II, Introduction to Logic, Students for Life Club faculty advisor and Newman Club faculty advisor, participant in Making Learning Visible CAFE program Summer 14: Introduction to Logic, Introduction to Philosophy (Web) and a web section for the Eagle River campus, and compiling data for Making Learning Visible CAFE program poster Fall 14: History of Philosophy I, Introduction to Philosophy (two sections), Introduction to Logic Spring 15: Introduction to Philosophy, History of Philosophy II, Introduction to Logic, and Introduction to Philosophy (Web) Summer 15: Introduction to Philosophy (Web) Fall 15: History of Philosophy I, Introduction to Philosophy (two sections), Introduction to Logic Spring 16: History of Philosophy I, History of Philosophy II, Introduction to Philosophy (two sections), Introduction to Logic Summer 16: Introduction to Philosophy (Web) Fall 16: Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, Introduction to Philosophy (two sections), Introduction to Logic Spring 17: Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, Early Modern Philosophy, Introduction to Philosophy (two sections), Introduction to Logic Retired from full time and now teaching as an Adjunct Summer 17: Introduction to Philosophy (Web), Introduction to Logic Fall 17: Introduction to Philosophy (two sections) Spring 18: Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, Early Modern Philosophy, Introduction to Philosophy Summer 18: Introduction to Philosophy (Web), Introduction to Logic Fall 18: Introduction to Philosophy (two sections), Early Modern Philosophy Spring 19: Early Modern Philosophy, Introduction to Philosophy Summer 19: Introduction to Philosophy (Web), Introduction to Logic Fall 19: Introduction to Philosophy (at ERHS) Presently - Spring 20: Introduction to Philosophy (at ERHS) Philosophy Club at UAA: "How Old Should You Be Before You Start Studying Philosophy?" (Paper on Alasdair MacIntyre given Fall 95 to initiate club discussion) "Why are our values and goals often so confusing?" (Paper on Richard Rorty given Fall 96 to initiate club discussion) "Using the Internet to do Philosophical Research" (Presentation given Spring 97) "How Smart Was Lincoln?" January 21, 2010 Other Presentations given: "Religion in a Postmodern Society" at Unitarian Fellowship Forum, 3 May 1998 "Bickering Serves No One" discussion on Herb Shandlin Talk Show, 750 AM KFQD, 14 April 1998 "Ethics" at Unitarian Fellowship Forum, 13 September 1998 "Ethics 2" at Unitarian Fellowship Forum, 11 October 1998 "The Morality of Capitalism" at Unitarian Fellowship Forum, 1 November 1998 "Meaning of Life" at Unitarian Fellowship Forum, 23 May 1999 "Protestantism in the New Millennium" as participant in a panel on religion in the new Millennium, 1 October 1999 at the UAA Fair "Is the Unexamined Life Worth Living?" at Unitarian Fellowship Forum, 30 January 2000 September 17, 2000 at Unitarian Fellowship Forum Feminism is Dead. Panel participant for Complex Systems lecture series at UAA on Robotics April 12, 2001. January 6, 2002 at Unitarian Fellowship Forum The Disappearance of the Middle Class? September 15, 2002 for the Charter College Faculty "Student Differences." August 31, 2003 at Unitarian Fellowship Forum "Teaching Ethics?" May 30, 2004 at Unitarian Fellowship Forum "Memorial Day: The Good and the Bad" September 5, 2004 at Unitarian Fellowship Forum "The God I Believe In". January 2, 2005 at Unitarian Fellowship Forum panel member on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. January 9, 2005 at Unitarian Fellowship Forum How Movies Communicate Values Invisibly -- Through Music. February 12, 2005 (Darwin Day) at Barnes and Nobel Book Store for the The Alaska Chapter of Americans United for Separation of Church and State Darwin's Dangerous Idea August 7, 2005 at Unitarian Fellowship Forum panel member on the movie "What The Bleep Do We Know?" October 14, 2005 at Complex Systems Group, UAA Something Complex This Way Comes: Harry Potter and the Synthetic A Priori Fall 09: discussion group on Charles Taylor's book "Hegel". November 2012 participated in Philosophy Colloquium with the topic Being and What? February 1, 2013 Monotheism delivered for Ole class on Religions of the World February 27, 2013 participated as judge for the Anchorage School District National History Day competition. October 18, 2013 Why Philosophy is more exciting today than ever for the Chugiak Eagle River Campus February 26, 2014 Presentation for Gruining Middle School eight grade class on philosophy June 23, 2014 Slavery discussion at the UAA Bookstore 1-3 PM May 16, 2017 Alaska Middle College School Graduation speech. June 18, 2017 Anchorage Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Forum panel member on Father's Day
Saint Cyril's School, East Lansdowne, Pa. 19050 (Graduated 1965) Monsignor Bonner High School, Drexel Hill, Pa. (Graduated 1969)
BA Philosophy (Graduated May 1973) MA Philosophy (Graduated December 1978) Defense
Language Institute Foreign Language Center, Presidio of Monterey,
California Russian Course, September 1978 - September 1979 Russian Institute, Berlin, Germany, Russian Conversation Course,
Winter 1981 Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vermont, Russian Intermediate Course,
August 1983 Fort Devens, Massachusetts, Basic Noncommissioned Officers Course,
December 1984 Fort Dix, New Jersey, Platoon Leadership Development Course, September
Fort Richardson, Alaska,
Russian Refresher Course, Spring 1990 Russian (DLPT 3,3), German (DLPT 3,2+), French (DLPT 2,2+) (Grades listed
were for 1994 when last tested) Graduate Assistant, Department of Philosophy West Chester University, West Chester, Pa. 19380 Sept. 1974 - Dec. 1975 Responsibilities included teaching two Introduction to Philosophy Courses per
semester. Enlisted in United States Army, Oct. 1977 Electronic Warfare Voice Interceptor / Subsystem Supervisor (E-4, E-5) United States Army, Berlin,
March 1980 - September 1982 System Supervisor, Translator, Analyst (E-5, E-6)
September 1982 - April 1987 Platoon Sergeant, Trojan System Supervisor (E-6, E-7) 106th Military Intelligence Battalion, Fort
Richardson, Alaska 99505 May 1987 - November 1991 Mission Controller (E-7, retirement) 733rd Military Intelligence Battalion, Schofield, Hawaii 96857-5000 December 1991 - April 1994 (retired from US Army
on 1 August 1994) Following retirement from the US Army (other than at
UAA): Adjunct Instructor at Charter College (NCCT Certified Postsecondary
Instructor) January 2002 - August 2015 Adjunct Instructor at Alaska Pacific University September 2001 - December 2002 Substitute Teacher for Social Studies and English as a Second Language, Middle School, and High School Anchorage School District, Anchorage, Alaska January 98 April 2000 Member, Board of Directors of the
Anchorage Unitarian Universalist Fellowship January 2006 - November 2006 Treasurer, Board of Directors of the
Anchorage Unitarian Universalist Fellowship January 2005 - December 2005 President of the Board of Directors of the
Anchorage Unitarian Universalist Fellowship January 2004 - January 2005 Assistant Director of the
Alaska Museum of Natural History August 97 - January 98 Responsibilities included Coordination of Activities and Fund Raisers Judge in Russian Olympiada May 96 and 97 Event held at UAA for all Anchorage School students studying Russian Judge in Math and Science Fairs 1996 - 1998 at Homestead Elementary Minority Student Mentor UAA, 1996 - 1997 Community Representative on Foreign Language Curriculum Review Committee
for the Anchorage School District - 1999
Amazon Vine Voice Profile Page Program ended January 2018 |
This page is maintained by William S. Jamison. It was last updated May 16, 2018. All links on these pages are either to open source or public domain materials or they are marked with the appropriate copyright information. I frequently check the links I have made to other web sites but each source is responsible for their own content. |