Syllabus Supplement

Term Paper Guide

The Term Paper must meet the following requirements.

  Minimum length is 3,000 words.

  The topic will be a philosopher from among a posted list of living philosophers. You may pick your favorite from this list or if you wish I will assign one for you based on your interests. You can research aspects of the philosopher's life, or thought but a combination always seems to work out best since a philosopher's thought seems closely connected to personal experiences.

  A minimum of three references should be used for research. The textbook can be one of the references. If web sites are used as references they can be included as links in the paper. Avoid plagiarism! Plagiarized papers will receive an F which would mean the best possible grade that could be earned for the course would be a C.

  Graphics can be included but do not change the minimum word length.

  The paper must be turned in via e-mail. This is necessary since I check each paper for plagiarism.

  The paper can be emailed either as a Word attachment or pasted into your email message itself. There is no requirement concerning the mechanics of the paper. You are encouraged to use your imagination! If you are interested in suggested ways to reference materials on line you can look at this MLA guide. However, I prefer to have a "live" link myself. Using the web for research is still so new that conventions do not seem adequately established. They may never be!

You can always write more than the minimum. Here are some of my thoughts on how you can write a great term paper. 

This page is maintained by William S. Jamison. It was last updated July 12, 2017. All links on these pages are either to open source or public domain materials or they are marked with the appropriate copyright information. I frequently check the links I have made to other web sites but each source is responsible for their own content.