Notes on Introduction to Logic -- Phil A101William Jamison - InstructorNotes for Logic
Lecture 4:
Language and Definitions Chapter 2 The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linguistic_relativity Language Game http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Language-game Definitions - where do they come from? Who determines what they are? C.S. Lewis "Words" versus Wittgenstein "Language Games". Each model is useful in some ways but not in all. Words meanings evolve but some stability is required for communications to take place. There is no private language. (See Youtube videos of Wittgenstein the movie) Kinds of Definitions Ostensive seem first. Note Baby sign language. But grammar is there too! Recent studies indicate that a fetus even learns accents while in the womb. How about the Mozart effect? Exercises Uses of Definitions Exercises Criteria for Good Definitions Exercises Summary http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSZrmbgO4pY Umberto Eco on an Infinity of Lists http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_GBwuYuOOs fractals http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/primer/java/scienceopticsu/powersof10/index.html
Given that words have relative meanings according to their context or language game, how can we establish standards by which words can have legal weight in contracts, laws, etc.? Do politicians lie?
This page is maintained by William S. Jamison. It was last updated August 14, 2012. All links on these pages are either to open source or public domain materials or they are marked with the appropriate copyright information. I frequently check the links I have made to other web sites but each source is responsible for their own content. |