Notes on Introduction to Logic -- Phil A101

William Jamison - Instructor

Lecture 5:


Question posed to a salesperson at a green house: Are any of these roses able to survive a winter?


1. All of these bushes are local hybrids.

2. All of these local hybrids are rosa rogosa.

3. All rosa rogosa are very hardy bushes.

4. All very hardy bushes are plants that survive the harsh winters here.

5. So all of these bushes are plants that survive the harsh winters here.

The main conclusion is the last statement but how do we find the syllogisms that lead to this conclusion?

Rearrange them this way:

2. All of these local hybrids are rosa rogosa.

1. All of these bushes are local hybrids.

2a. First conclusion (not stated): All of these bushes are rosa rogosa. by AAA-1

Second syllogism:

3. All rosa rogosa are very hardy bushes.

2a. (not stated): All of these bushes are rosa rogosa.

3a. Second conclusion (not stated): All of these bushes are very hardy bushes.

Third syllogism:

4. All very hardy bushes are plants that survive the harsh winters here.

3a. (not stated): All of these bushes are very hardy bushes.

4a. Third conclusion: All of these bushes are plants that survive the harsh winters here.


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