Notes on Introduction to the Humanities -- Hum A211

William Jamison and Matt Reed - Instructors

Discussion 1

Matt and I will introduce ourselves. Then everyone will have a chance to introduce themselves following this (suggested) pattern:

Please introduce yourself giving your name, how long you have been going to UAA (or college), your reason for choosing your major, something that you are very concerned about, and something that gives you great joy.

This set of questions should do well to get everyone to have a good idea of one another and break the ice. We can then discuss how we will choose our groups and try to set those.

I then will discuss the usefulness of group work encouraging those who have ideas to share them.

Next I will look at the selected reading for the day and discuss the merits of the book again asking for input from the class. How will the book be useful? What sort of writing exercises will we be doing? How will the topics focus on art?

Next lecture 


UAA Book selection of the semester: The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down by Anne Fadiman (Paperback - Sep 28, 1998)


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