William Jamison - Instructor

Early Modern Philosophy (used to be History of Philosophy II) - Phil 212

Test 2

Directions: Answer any three of the questions below in three essays. Essays may be as long as you feel necessary, but should be at least 300 words each, and should demonstrate an understanding of the main point of the question and it's relevance for us today. They can be e-mailed to: wsjamison@ALASKA.EDU

1. Describe some of the conflicts Leibniz had with Sir Isaac Newton.

2.  In what way might a non standard interpretation of Berkeley see him as similar in thinking with contemporary physics?

3. How did Hume change science?

4. Do you think Kant answered Hume successfully?

5. Hegel's philosophy may be viewed as the philosophy of our day. What is the most significant advance over Kant in his thinking?

6. How did Schopenhauer's philosophy inspire Wagner?


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