Logic test 1

William S. Jamison Instructor


You have a total of 30 minutes to do this test. Answer all the questions following the instructions in each section.

1. Construct an argument by giving at least three reasons (premises) in support of the following judgment (conclusion).

I will probably enjoy this logic course.


2. Circle the conclusion or conclusions that are implied by the premises:

Premises: Some dancers are exhibitionists. Some tailors are exhibitionists.


a. All dancers are tailors.

b. Some dancers are tailors.

c. No dancers are tailors.

d. All of the above are implied by the premises.

e. None of the above is implied by the premises.


3. Identify (a) the conclusion, and (b), the premise, of the following statement, that you can assume is intended as an argument.

Some mammals can fly, since bats can fly.


4. (a) if necessary, translate the following sentences into standard form. (b) Indicate whether each expresses an A, E, I, or O statement. (c) Write an abbreviation for each sentence, indicating which term each letter represents. (d) Write the schema for each statement.

4.1. Almost all paperbacks are inexpensive.




4.2. War is not healthy for children.




4.3. Only members of the club are invited.




4.4. B. F. Skinner is a behavioral scientist.




5. Examine each pair of statements. Then (a) indicate whether they are logically dependent or independent; (b) use Venn diagrams to determine whether the statements are logically consistent or inconsistent; and (c) use Venn diagrams to determine whether they are logically equivalent or not.

5.1. All machines are devices. Some machines are devices.








5.2. All cats are felines. Some lions are felines.






5.3. No dogs are cats. No cats are dogs.





6. Test the validity of the following categorical syllogisms with Venn diagrams. Where the syllogisms are not in standard form, put them in standard form first.

6.1. All hippies are pot smokers.

No pot smokers are law-abiding citizens.

Therefore some law-abiding citizens are hippies.







6.2. Some Buddhists are monks,

so some Buddhists are ascetics,

since all monks are ascetics.






6.3. All hallucinogens are dangerous things.

Some drugs are hallucinogens.

Therefore, some drugs are dangerous things.








Bonus question: translate this into standard form:

Nothing is certain except death and taxes.


End of test.

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